Electoral census of residents

Currently, in the Orihuela Costa town hall, there is a queuing line right next to the main entrance and directly opposite the reception desk for registering to vote in the upcoming election in 2023. Upon declaring your intent to register to vote and presenting the required documents: passport, TIE card and Padrón, you will be provided with an ‘Electoral census of residents in Spain nationals of Countries with Agreements for municipal elections’ form and instructions on what to do in the form.

This form is a surprise to many who turn up to the town hall to register to vote. For the sake of convenience, PIOC has digitised this form and the instructions to make it easier and quicker for you to pre-fill and complete the form before turning up to register to vote.

All you need to do is download the form, print it, fill in the personal and turn it up to the town hall and complete to registering to vote process. This form is one per person, so if you are a couple you will need to print two copies and fill in your information separately.


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