How we work.


From local residents, right up to the executive committee, PIOC is a volunteer-led organisation. Explore the different levels within PIOC and how we will enable evolution within Orihuela Costa.


Local residents.

PIOC can only exist with the majority support from registered voters, these local residents are at the heart of PIOC succeeding. Non-residents are just as vital for spreading the word about PIOC and our endeavours.


Community presidents.

Orihuela Costa’s residential zones consist of communities that have community presidents who manage community issues. PIOC has a strong network of community presidents and we believe that these individuals can help us with creating real change in individual communities and Orihuela Costa as a whole.


Business owners.

PIOC has been working with local businesses throughout Orihuela Costa since 2018, to solve all manner of problems. Not only that, we also have a strong network of businesses who support us and demand progression for the coast.


Party members.

Internal support within the party will be necessary for developing practical policies, evaluating potential candidates, keeping the party in check and so much more. Being involved, whether as a voting or non-voting member, can truly develop an impactful party that serves every local community.


Executive committee.

Having a talented, experienced and dedicated executive committee will enable PIOC to thrive generation after generation. This group of local residents have one major fundamental in mind, the independence of Orihuela Costa. This comes from every piece of effort to assist everyone in the coast.